Day 4: Hide the Crazy

Today’s family motto was “Hide the crazy,” which I angrily whisper-yelled to the kids as they were fighting over something as we waited…

Day 3: Our Tiny Home

By Cat Serrin Niekro There were several times today when I questioned this whole RV road trip idea. First, when we were leaving…

Day 2: Calm before the RV

By Cat Serrin Niekro Today we took in a bunch of the (family-friendly) activities in Sin City, while side-stepping some of the more…

DAY 1: Vegas, maybe

By Cat Serrin Niekro I suspect there are people who buy plane tickets, get on the plane, the plane takes off and lands…

Breaking up the Band

The one where your son’s baseball team is breaking up.

Hello world!

6.4.19: Jeez O Peets is born.
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